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Our FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) team was founded in 2007 by Michael Young, an engineering teacher at Pleasant Grove. Since our team's inception, the number of members on our team have significantly grown from a handful of students, to about 30-40 concurring students. 

Mission Statement: 


Team 2073 aims to foster a culture of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education, outreach, and awareness for K-12 students in California: by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that builds science, engineering, technology, and business skills, that inspire innovation and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, problem solving, communication and leadership.

Business Team

We cannot even start the process of building a robot without proper funding and support from our sponsors and business team. They handle the finances, make sure we have sponsors to keep the team active, organize social media, and insure we have transportation to our competitions. Thanks to the continued support from our sponsors, we have participated in 15 seasons of robotics.

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Our Business members working on a grant!

Mechanical Team

Mechanical members assembling our robot

Without a robot to compete with, no amount of sponsors, funding, or programming will allow us to win. The manufacturing team is in charge of concept ideas, designing the robot using CAD, and building the robot according to the designs. Any mistake in this process could lead to devastating consequences when it comes time to compete. During competitions, they act as our pit crew and make sure our robot is performing at maximum capacity.

Programming & Electrical Team

This is the backbone of any good robot. Quality programming is essential to doing well in any competition. Programming allows the robot to move and complete any task, no matter how complex or simple. Our team uses Java. The programming team also handles the electrical wiring that allows the robot to utilize the programs they built.

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Programming team testing out vision tracking!

Pleasant Grove High School

9531 Bond Road

Elk Grove, CA 95624

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